Two sum (three solutions)¶
Michael Snowden, 25 January 2024, last updated 16 March 2024
In this extended algorithmic essay we aim to solve the classic Two Sum problem from LeetCode. We are going to explore, analyse, and compare a selection of approaches with the end goal of finding a clear and efficient solution.
We assume the reader has an intermediate understanding of Python, including aspects like importing modules, using loops, and applying conditionals. Furthermore, Big-Oh notation is used to analyse the complexity of our solutions and we refer to terms such as binary search and brute force.
1 Problem¶
To effectively solve Two Sum, it is crucial we thoroughly understand the problem. We need to identify the inputs, outputs and the relationship between them.
Leetcode provides the following problem description.
"Given an array of integers nums
and an integer target
, return indices of the two numbers such
that they add up to target."
- $-109 \leq$
$\leq 109$ - $-109 \leq$
$\leq 109$ - Only one valid answer exists.
We can extract some important information from their description, namely the pre- and post-conditions.
- $-109 \leq$
$\leq 109$ - $-109 \leq$
$\leq 109$ - Exactly one pair
Let indices
be the output, then:
= 2;nums[indices[0]]
The preconditions must be satisfied for our algorithms to be defined, and the postconditions must be satisfied for our algorithms to be correct.
2 Algorithms¶
With our problem defined, the next step is to think of ways to solve it. This section presents three distinct approaches to solving Two sum: brute force, sorting and mapping.
2.1 Brute force¶
Generally speaking, a brute force algorithm tries all possibilities, and
selects a correct one. For this problem, the possibilities are all sums that
can be obtained by pairing each number in nums
with every other number, and
the correct pair is identified if the sum matches target
. We are checking all
possible sums, so we are sure to find our indices if they exist. Looking back
at the preconditions, we can see that each problem instance must have exactly
one pair that sums to target
. Hence this approach is guaranteed to find a
solution, as long as our preconditions are met.
Getting any working solution regardless of efficiency can be an important first step. Sometimes we need to solve a problem quickly, and more importantly it gets us thinking through it, which can often lead to additional solutions.
Brute force algorithm: An outer loop iterates through each number in
, then for each number, an inner loop iteratesnums
again. For each pair of numbers, if their indices are different and their sum matchestarget
, return their indices.
1. for each index_1 from 0 to len(nums)-1:
1. for each index_2 from 0 to len(nums)-1:
1. if index_1 != index_2 and nums[index_1] + nums[index_2] == target:
1. let indices be (index_1, index_2)
2. stop
Let n = len(nums)
, then this algorithm has two nested for loops that do n
iterations each. The operations performed within the inner loop are constant
time, meaning this solution will do at most n $\times$ n $\times$ O(1)
steps. Thus, the worst-case time complexity is O(n $^2$). In the best-case,
the first and second numbers in nums
sum to target
. No matter the size of
, the run-times would not increase. Therefore, the best-case time
complexity would be O(1).
2.2 Sorting¶
For many computational problems a good question to ask is: will sorting the inputs simplify the problem and lead to a more efficient solution? In this case, the answer is yes, we can exploit the properties of a sorted input in a similar way to binary search. Rather than focusing on the middle of the sequence and reducing the search space by half, we keep track of the two ends with position variables and have reduce the search space by one each time. This kind of approach is commonly referred to as a "double pointer algorithm" named after the two position variables.
Before we move on to a formal description of the algorithm, we need to
consider a crucial aspect of the Two Sum problem: it requires indices to be
returned. This has implications for our solution: direct sorting of nums
not possible because the original index positions would be altered. Thus, any
additional data structures we use must keep track of the corresponding indices
from elements of nums
. Keeping this in mind, here is the description of our
With sorting algorithm: Create a pair
(number, index)
for each number innums
. Add each pair to a listpairs
, then sort the list into ascending order based on the numbers. Initialise two variablesstart
to be 0 andlen(nums) - 1
respectively. Whilestart
sum the numbers inpairs
corresponding to the indicesstart
. If the sum is less thantarget
, movestart
to the right by incrementing its value by one. If the sum is greater thantarget
, moveend
to the left by decrementing its value by one. If the sum matchestarget
then return the indices of both numbers.
The logic of this strategy is as follows. The sum of the numbers at positions
and end
in our pairs
list will have one of the following three cases:
the sum can be equal to, greater than or less than target
. If the sum is
equal to target, then we have found our solution and can return the indices.
If the sum is less than target, we need to increase the value of our sum;
the only way to do this is by moving start
to the right. Remember we have
sorted the list, so all values to the right are greater. If our sum is
greater than target
we need to decrease the value of our sum, and the
only way to do that by moving end
to the left.
1. let pairs be an empty list
2. for each index from 0 to len(nums):
1. let `pair be (nums[index], index)
2. append pair to `pairs`
3. let pairs be sorted by value at first index
4. let start = 0
5. let end = len(nums) -1
6. while start != end:
1. pair_sum = pairs[start][0] + pairs[end][0]
2. if pairs_sum = target:
1. let indices be (pairs[start][1], pairs[end][1])
2. stop
3. otherwise if pairs_sum > target:
1. let end = end - 1
4. otherwise:
1. let start = start + 1
The important parts of this algorithm with respect analysing time complexity are: the for loop at step number two, the sorting operation at step number three and the while loop at step number six.
Let n = len(nums)
, then the for loop always does n iterations, and we
will assume the sorting operation has worst-case complexity of O(n log(n)) and
best-case of O(n), that just leaves the while loop. The while loop will do at
most n iterations in a scenario where one of the variables start
or end
stays in place and the other is incremented until they are next to each other.
It is clear now that the sorting operation will dominate this approach when it comes to time complexity. Therefore, this algorithm has an overall worst-case time complexity of O(n log(n)) and a best-case of O(n).
2.3 Mapping¶
In the previous algorithm we paired each number in nums
with its index out of
necessity. We wanted to sort nums
without loosing the original paring of
number to index. This action of pairing numbers to indices is a useful idea;
what if instead of pairing a number directly to its index, we paired the
difference between our number and the target (i.e. target
- number) to
its index? If we did that, then finding our pair would be a case of checking if
current number is in the pairs list.
This is a good start, but we still have a problem, the lookup operation takes linear time for a list. We need an alternative data structure, one with much efficient lookup times. If fast lookup times are required, then we should always consider a hashtable. This data structure is known informally by many different names such as dictionary, hashmap, map and associative array. A key property of this data structure is the lookup operation has constant time complexity in the average case.
For every number in nums
, we can map the difference between it and the target
- number) to its corresponding index using a hashtable. This allows
us to check the hashmap for matching numbers in constant time.
Mapping algorithm: For each number in
, if its in the hashmap, return its index and the index mapped to it. Otherwise, calculate the difference (target
- number) and map it to the corresponding index of number.
1. let differences be an empty dictionary
2. for index from 0 to len(nums) - 1:
1. if nums[index] in differences:
1.let indices be (differences[nums[index]], index)
2. stop
2. otherwise:
1. let difference = target - nums[index]
2. let differences[difference] = index
Let n = len(nums)
, then this algorithm has a single loop that does n
iterations. Because we are using a hashmap, all the operations performed in the
loop are done in constant time. Thus, our mapping algorithm has O(n) time
complexity in in the worst-case. Similar to the brute force approach, if the
correctly summing numbers are in the first two positions of nums
, then the
run-times will be unaffected by increasing input sizes, giving a best-case
complexity of O(1).
2.4 Summary¶
Many times a brute force approach is a good starting point; it is a simple strategy that is easy to implement. Moreover, this strategy is efficient in terms of its memory usage when compared to the other algorithms; it does not use additional data structures. However, this approach has an undesirable O(n $^2$) worst-case time complexity. Every time we double the input size, the run-times increase fourfold.
Our next approach used sorting to endow our list with properties useful for searching. This algorithm is perhaps the most convoluted and maybe harder to think through relative to the others. Furthermore, it requires additional memory compared to the brute force approach. The benefits of the strategy are the O(n log(n)) worst-case time complexity which improves considerably on the brute force algorithm.
The third solution made a single pass through nums
and used a hashtable to
map differences to indexes. While not as simple as the brute force algorithm,
this approach is not hard to follow nor understand; everything is carried out in
a single loop. On the other hand, this approach has the additional memory
overhead of the hashtable itself, which needs to be taken into account. The
main advantage with this approach is the O(n) time complexity for the
worst-case, making it the most efficient when it comes to scaling run-times
with input size.
When considering all three approaches, and taking into account aspects of efficiency as well as readability, the mapping algorithm seems to come out on top. It makes that that classic space-time trade off i.e sacrifices some memory efficiency for time efficiency, but the simplicity of the approach combined with the efficient time complexity makes it a worth while exchange.
3 Code¶
In this section we will implement the algorithms. We shall do so using a basic subset of Python in the hope of making our code as language agnostic as possible.
Throughout this section we will make use of code quality tools such as linters and type checkers to help us meet the standards expected for clean readable and error free code.
3.1 Preparation and imports¶
The next two cells set up the automatic type checking linting and Construct checking for our code cells. We also import some of the functions we will use to test, time and generate instances for our solutions.
If one or more of the styling or type checking ideals are violated, the warnings will be printed alongside the corresponding line number underneath the offending cell.
import os
if 'COLAB_GPU' in os.environ: # if we are in Google Colab...
!pip install algoesup --no-deps
!pip install allowed ruff pytype
from algoesup import test, time_functions, time_cases
%load_ext algoesup.magics
%ruff on
%allowed on
ruff was activated allowed was activated
3.2 Testing¶
Before We start implementing our algorithms, we write some tests. The test()
function from the algoesup
library is a simple way to test for correctness.
It takes a function and a test table then reports any failed tests.
To test the algorithms, we need to consider edge cases and other important
functional tests. Edge cases often occur at the extreme ends of the spectrum of
allowed inputs or outputs, they should ideally test unexpected conditions that
might reveal bugs in the code. For the Two Sum problem, we should test the
minimum size for nums
and also the extremes of the values that can be
present. We should include negative numbers and zero in our tests because
integers are present in the inputs.
The cell below contains our test table, note the descriptions of each case in the first column, and how the boundary cases, negative numbers and zero are all present in the table.
two_sum_tests = [
# ["description", nums, target, expected_output]
["minimum size for nums", [1, 2], 3, (0, 1)],
["non-adjacent indices", [1, 4, 9, 7], 8, (0, 3)],
["first two elements", [5, 7, 1, 2, 8], 12, (0, 1)],
["last two elements", [1, 3, 5, 7, 8], 15, (3, 4)],
["repeated elements", [6, 2, 3, 2], 4, (1, 3)],
["max and min range", [-109, 109, 0], 0, (0, 1)],
["lowest target value", [-50, 1, -59], -109, (0, 2)],
["highest target value", [50, 1, 59], 109, (0, 2)],
3.3 Implementations¶
The next cell implements the brute force algorithm using nested for
loops and
a conditional to check for the correct pair. Note how this conditional looks
similar to one of the postconditions; this is a good sign.
def two_sum_bf(nums: list, target: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Given a list of integers return the indices of the pair that sums to target.
len(nums) >= 2
-109 <= nums[i] <= 109
-109 <= target <= 109
Exactly one pair a and b in nums has a + b = target
for index_1 in range(len(nums)):
for index_2 in range(len(nums)):
if index_1 != index_2 and nums[index_1] + nums[index_2] == target:
return index_1, index_2
test(two_sum_bf, two_sum_tests)
Testing two_sum_bf... Tests finished: 8 passed, 0 failed.
Next up is the approach that uses sorting.
def two_sum_sort(nums: list, target: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Given a list of integers return the indices of the pair that sums to target.
len(nums) >= 2
-109 <= nums[i] <= 109
-109 <= target <= 109
Exactly one pair a and b in nums has a + b = target
pairs = []
for index in range(len(nums)):
pairs.append((nums[index], index))
start = 0
end = len(nums) - 1
while start < end:
current_sum = pairs[start][0] + pairs[end][0]
if current_sum == target:
# return the indices in ascending order for reliable testing
lower_index = min(pairs[start][1], pairs[end][1])
upper_index = max(pairs[start][1], pairs[end][1])
indices = (lower_index, upper_index)
return indices
if current_sum < target:
start = start + 1
end = end - 1
test(two_sum_sort, two_sum_tests)
Testing two_sum_sort... Tests finished: 8 passed, 0 failed.
Finally, the mapping algorithm is implemented using Python's dict
def two_sum_map(nums: list, target: int) -> tuple[int, int]:
"""Given a list of integers return the indices of the pair that sums to target.
len(nums) >= 2
-109 <= nums[i] <= 109
-109 <= target <= 109
Exactly one pair a and b in nums has a + b = target
differences: dict[int, int] = {} # allowed
for index in range(len(nums)):
difference = target - nums[index]
if nums[index] in differences:
return differences[nums[index]], index
differences[difference] = index
test(two_sum_map, two_sum_tests)
Testing two_sum_map... Tests finished: 8 passed, 0 failed.
The brute force algorithm comes out on top in terms of simplicity, it is just a case of checking every pair of numbers. The double pointer approach seems like the most convoluted with the mapping differences algorithm somewhere in the middle of the two.
4 Performance¶
In this section we will measure the run-times of our solutions under various conditions to see if our analysis matches the results.
4.1 generating inputs¶
and time_cases
from the algoesup
library require a function that generates
problem instances of a given size. We want to be able to generate instances that correspond to best,
normal and worst cases for the solutions were appropriate.
The best normal and worst case scenarios might not always be the same for each algorithm, for
example, the best-case for two_sum_bf
and two_sum_map
would be when the first two numbers
encountered sum to target
but this is not the case for two_sum_sort
where the best-case would be
dependent on the sorting algorithm.
Since two_sum_bf
and two_sum_map
share the same best- and worst-case scenarios, we shall focus
on those for our input generators. For the normal-case the matching numbers will be in the middle
two positions of nums
def best(size: int) -> tuple[list[int], int]:
"""Given a size, generate a best case instance for Two Sum.
Preconditions: size >= 2
nums = [1, 1] + [0] * (size - 2)
target = 2
return (nums, target)
def normal(size: int) -> tuple[list[int], int]:
"""Given a size, generate a normal case instance for Two Sum.
Preconditions: size >= 2
nums = [0] * size
nums[size // 2 - 1:size // 2 + 1] = [1, 1]
target = 2
return (nums, target)
def worst(size: int) -> tuple[list[int], int]:
"""Given a size, generate a worst case instance for Two Sum.
Preconditions: size >= 2
nums = [0] * (size - 2) + [1, 1]
target = 2
return (nums, target)
4.2 Best, normal and worst case run-times¶
First let us see the run-times of two_sum_bf
for best, normal and worst-case instances. Note the
input size starts at 100 and is doubled 4 times reaching 1600 for the last data point.
input_generators = [worst, normal, best]
time_cases(two_sum_bf, input_generators, start=100, double=4, chart=True)
Run-times for two_sum_bf Input size worst normal best 100 454.6 228.8 0.3 µs 200 1817.9 1046.2 0.3 µs 400 7488.9 3722.6 0.3 µs 800 30940.9 15670.3 0.3 µs 1600 124206.2 62150.1 0.3 µs
We can see from the chart and run-times above, that our analysis of quadratic time complexity for the worst-case seems to line up with the data. As we double the input size, the run-times quadruple. For the best case, the run-times generally stay the same for increasing inputs suggesting constant time complexity. The normal case is somewhere in the middle of the two.
Now let us do the same for two_sum_map
input_generators = [worst, normal, best]
time_cases(two_sum_map, input_generators, start=100, double=4, chart=True)
Run-times for two_sum_map Input size worst normal best 100 5.7 3.0 0.3 µs 200 11.2 5.7 0.3 µs 400 22.7 11.2 0.3 µs 800 46.3 22.7 0.3 µs 1600 93.5 46.4 0.3 µs
The first thing to note is the dramatic reduction in size of the run-times. The scales on the y-axis differ by orders of magnitude. Also, the plot for our worst-case on this chart has a much straighter line with run-times doubling in proportion with input size. This aligns with our prediction of linear time complexity.
4.3 Run-times for each solution¶
Let us now compare the worst-case run-times for all three solutions side by side.
solutions = [two_sum_bf, two_sum_sort, two_sum_map]
time_functions(solutions, worst, start=100, double=4, chart=True)
Inputs generated by worst Input size two_sum_bf two_sum_sort two_sum_map 100 455.2 14.5 5.7 µs 200 1816.7 28.4 11.1 µs 400 7499.5 57.4 22.7 µs 800 30764.1 116.3 46.3 µs 1600 124771.8 236.4 93.6 µs
The run-times for two_sum_bf
almost instantly eclipse that of two_sum_sort
and two_sum_map
.On the chart it looks as if the run-times for two_sum_sort
and two_sum_map
are not growing at all, but we know by looking at the
run-times above that this is not the case. Let us see if we can adjust the
inputs of time_functions
so the growth rates of the fastest two functions
have a better visual representation in the chart.
solutions = [two_sum_bf, two_sum_sort, two_sum_map]
time_functions(solutions, worst, start=1, double=4, text=False, chart=True)
The point at which the growth rates start to diverge is much clearer now. The brute force approach's run-times still accelerate off into the stratosphere, but we can see the separation and trend of the sorting and mapping algorithms.
5 Conclusion¶
We started this essay by defining the problem. We came up with three algorithms that used different approaches: brute force, sorting and mapping, then analysed the time complexity of each one. Next, we implemented and tested our solutions using Python, and in the penultimate section used empirical testing to see if our analysis matched the results. Now we must decide which of our algorithms is best.
The brute force approach, unsurprisingly, is not very efficient when it comes to run-times. We suspected this would be the case, then the empirical testing confirmed it. Its only positive attributes were its simplicity and efficient memory usage.
We are now left with a choice between the sorting and mapping approaches and I think
there is a clear winner between the two. The mapping approach is more efficient
in its worst-case complexity with O(n) compared to O(n log(n)) of the
sorting, and on the surface seems simpler and easier to implement. Moreover, the
mapping approach has the potential to be more memory efficient. For example, the
sorting approach always has an auxiliary data structure the same size as nums
whereas the size of the dictionary will grow dynamically, only becoming the same
size as nums
in the worst case. Therefore, we must conclude the mapping algorithm
is best.