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The algoesup library provides support for testing, timing and linting code. This documentation is for version 0.3.1.


Simplified testing for Python functions, see the examples.


test(function: Callable, test_table: list) -> None

Test the function with the test_table. Report failed tests.


Name Type Description Default
function Callable

The function to be tested. Can’t be a built-in function.

test_table list

The list of tests. Each element of test_table is a list or tuple with: a string (the test case name); one or more values (the inputs to the function); the expected output value.



Tools for measuring and plotting run-times, see the examples.


    functions: list[Callable],
    inputs: Callable,
    start: int,
    double: int,
    text: bool = True,
    chart: bool = False,
    value: bool = False,
) -> None

Print or plot the run-times of different functions for the same inputs.

time_functions prints or plots the run-times given list of functions and an input generator. Inputs are generated based on a starting size and are doubled a specified number of times.


Name Type Description Default
functions list[Callable]

A list of functions whose run-times will be measured. Must be 1 to 6 functions.

inputs Callable

A function to generate inputs when given a specific size.

start int

The starting size for the inputs. Must be positive.

double int

The number of times to double the input size. Must be non-negative.

text bool

If True, print the run-times in text format

chart bool

If True plot the run-times using a chart.

value bool

If True x-axis is labelled “Input value” otherwise “Input size”.



Type Description

If input conditions are not satisfied.


    function: Callable,
    cases: list[Callable],
    start: int,
    double: int,
    text: bool = True,
    chart: bool = False,
) -> None

Print or plot the run-times of function for different input cases.

time_cases prints or plots the run-times of a single function using a list of different input generators. Inputs are generated based on a starting size and are doubled a specified number of times.


Name Type Description Default
function Callable

A function whose run-times will be measured.

cases list[Callable]

A list of 1 to 6 functions to generate inputs of different cases, e.g. best-, normal- and worst-case.

start int

The starting size for the inputs. Must be positive.

double int

The number of times to double the input size. Must be non-negative.

text bool

If True, print the run-times in text format.

chart bool

If True, plot the run-times using a chart.



Type Description

If input conditions are not satisfied.


    functions: list[Callable],
    generator: Callable = int_value,
    start: int = 1,
    double: int = 10,
    text: bool = True,
    chart: bool = True,
) -> None

Time functions that take a single integer as input.

time_functions_int uses time_functions to measure and display the run-times of a given list of functions that accept a single integer input. The integer inputs are generated starting from a specified value that defaults to 1, and are doubled a specified number of times that defaults to 10.


Name Type Description Default
functions list[Callable]

A list of functions whose run-times will be measured. Each function must accept a single integer argument. Must be 1 to 6 functions.

generator Callable

A function to generate integer inputs. Defaults to int_value, which returns a tuple containing the input integer.

start int

The starting integer value for inputs. Defaults to 1. Must be positive.

double int

The number of times to double the input integer value. Defaults to 10. Must be non-negative.

text bool

If True, print the run-times in text format.

chart bool

If True, plot the run-times using a chart.



Linting tools for Jupyter Notebook environments.

See the type checking and linting examples.



Activate/deactivate the allowed linter.

When active, the linter checks each code cell that is executed for any Python constructs that are not listed in the given configuration file.

  • %allowed on ... activates the linter with any command options given after on
  • %allowed on is equal to %allowed on --config m269.json
  • %allowed off deactivates the linter
  • %allowed shows the current status of the linter
  • %allowed? shows this documentation and the command’s options

For a list of possible options ..., enter !allowed -h in a code cell. Some options may not be appropriate when running allowed within a notebook.

The --config option expects m269.json, tm112.json or the name of a JSON file with your own configuration.



Activate/deactivate the pytype linter.

When active, the linter checks each code cell that is executed for type errors.

  • %pytype on ... activates the linter with the command options given after on
  • %pytype on is equal to %pytype on --disable name-error,import-error
  • %pytype off deactivates the linter
  • %pytype shows the current status of the linter
  • %pytype? shows this documentation and the command’s options

For a list of possible options ..., enter !pytype -h in a code cell. Some options may not be appropriate when running pytype within a notebook.

The --disable option expects a list of errors to ignore, without spaces. By default, %pylint ignores these errors:

  • name-error: cells often use names defined in previous cells
  • import-error: pytype doesn’t find local modules



Activate/deactivate the Ruff linter.

When active, the linter checks each code cell that is executed against the selected code style rules.

  • %ruff on ... activates the linter with any command options given after on (see [ruff’s list of rules])
  • %ruff on is equal to %ruff on --select A,B,C90,D,E,W,F,N,PL --ignore D100,W292,F401,F821,D203,D213,D415
  • %ruff off deactivates the linter
  • %ruff shows the current status of the linter
  • %ruff? shows this documentation

The command %ruff on ... will run ruff check --output-format json ... on each cell. For a list of the possible options ..., enter !ruff help check in a code cell. Some options may not be appropriate when running Ruff within a notebook.

The --select and --ignore options expect a list of rule codes, without spaces.

By default, %ruff enables the rules from flake8-builtins (A), flake8-bugbear (B), mccabe (C90), pydocstyle (D), pycodestyle (E, W), pyflakes (F), pep8-naming (N), and pylint (PL).

By default, %ruff ignores these rules:

  • D100: Missing docstring in public module (notebooks aren’t modules)
  • W292: No newline at end of file (cells don’t have a trailing blank line)
  • F401: Imported but unused (cells often import modules that are used later)
  • F821: Undefined name (cells often use names defined in previous cells)
  • D203: use D211 instead (no blank line before class docstring)
  • D213: use D212 instead (docstring starts right after “”“)
  • D415: use D400 instead (first line of docstring must end in .)